Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Opuntia macrorhiza Red Throat

Common Name: Opuntia macrorhiza Red Throat

DescriptionA selection of O.macrohiza with a consistent red throat.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Cactus
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & SiteFound native to dry prairies and plains, soil needs to be dry and well drained
Flowersyellow, have a red center, 7 or more parts, 2-3 inches, May-June,
Fruitedible, red-purple fleshy, juicy
Stemsflat pads, tufts of bristles (glochids)
Dimensionsforms prostrate spreading mats up to five feet wide
Propagationdivision, rooting of pads (stems)
Author's NotesRelatively easy plants to grow if given the proper site, full sun and well drained. Probably the hardest thing to get use to is how they look in the winter. The pads get very shriveled and wrinkled looking very distressed.(Reference:
Notes & Reference#69-Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada ( Gleason, Cronquist), #100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Black and Judziewicz))
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