Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Gynura aurantiaca

Common Name: Purple Passion Plant, Velvet Plant


Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca) is an easy plant to grow. Likes bright light to deepen the purple color of the fuzzy leaves. Watch out for the odoriferous orange flowers, especially when you pinch them off.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Perennial Tender, Tropical herbaceous plants
Hardiness Zone10
Sunlightprefers bright light, in lower light conditions the plants color will become greener
Moistureevenly moist
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house
Flowersbuds open into small, unpleasant-smelling orange flowers; pinch off the buds before they flower.
Fruitseeds formed in a fluffy mass
Leavesdark green, covered with a dense growth of purple fuzz (pubescence)
DimensionsThe plant starts off as a small compact plant but quickly turns into a vine. The less light this plant receives the farther apart the internodes.
MaintenanceIt will become scraggly looking and needs to be pruned back. Not only will this improve the compactness of the plant it promotes new, fresh, purple growth.
Propagationeasy from cuttings
Native SiteIndonesia
Misc FactsThere seems to be confusion about which Gynura is which. Always called my plants G. sarmentosa because they were trailing. Where as G. aurantiaca as a more upright growing plant, with less purple color. Sarmentosa means with long flexible runners.
Author's NotesFor a joke, I assigned a group of my horticulture students the task of pinching the flowers off a group of large hanging baskets. Their fingers smelled pretty bad and were not happy with me! This plant is very pettable it feels like velvet. Will develop a thick coat of purple hair if the conditions are right.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #158-Plantepedia (Maggie Stuckey), #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences
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