Family: Magnoliaceae

Common Name: Magnolia Betty


Magnolia Betty produces red purple flowers with white on the inside. A hybrid Magnolia from "Eight Little Girl" series.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-8
Sunlightgrows best in full sun, tolerates some shade
Moistureaverage to moist, not dry
Soil & Siteaverage to rich, well drained, slightly acid
Flowers8 inches wide, 12-19 tepals, late blooming
Fruitaggregate of follicles fruit, dries to brown
Stemsthe terminal pubescence buds are a good identification feature of this plant
Dimensionsshrubby, 10-15 feet tall with a spread of 8-15
Maintenancepruning should be done after flowering, best grown in a spot sheltered from the wind
Cultivar OriginOne of the plants in the 'Little Girl' series, which are hybrids of M. liliflora 'Nigra' and M. stellata 'Rosea'. (National Arboretum, USA)
Notes & Reference#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr), #86-A Gardner’s Guide to Magnolias (Gardiner))
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