Family: Oleaceae

Scientific Name: Forsythia viridissima Bronxensis

Common Name: Forsythia Bronx, Bronx green Stem Forsythia

DescriptionA shorter flat topped Forsythia growing to about 12 inches tall.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone(4)5-8
Sunlightfull, light shade
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersYellow to golden yellow flowers start in mid to late April and last for around 3 weeks. Flowers bloom on old wood, many times the only flowers that will survive the winter will be the ones on branches that were buried in snow , considered a sparse bloomer
Stemssquarish with prominent lenticels, maybe green
Dimensions1-2 feet tall by 2-3 feet spread
MaintenancePruning should be done in the spring after flowering. This promotes the production of new wood. On this wood the flowers for next year will be formed. Forsythia can be pruned back fairly hard. Pruning to late will greatly decrease the number of flowers for the next year.
Propagationsoftwood stem cuttings
Native SiteChina
Cultivar OriginNew York Botanical Gardens, USA, 1939
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #226-Shrubs and Vines for American Gardens (Donald Wyman)
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