Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Cotyledon ladismithiensis variegated

Common Name: Variegated Cub's Paw


Variegated Cub's Paw (Cotyledon ladismithiensis variegated) is a variegated version of Cubs Paw.

Plant TypeSucculents, Perennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10
SunlightI have grown this plant in the direct light outdoors during the summer and it flourishes in these conditions. In dim conditions it will become weak and leggy
Moisturedry out between watering
Soil & Siteaveage, well drained
Growing Mediawell drained, cactus and succulent mix
Temperatureaverage house to warm
FlowersWhere as the non-variegated Cubs Paw is easy to coax to bloom I have never had the variegated bloom for me.
LeavesThe chubby, wedge-shaped succulent leaves are covered in soft hairs (tomentose) and have rounded teeth that resemble a bear's paw on the tips.
DimensionsIt is a densely branched "shurblet" succulent reaching around 12 inches.
MaintenanceBecomes woody and will need to be cut back
PropagationThe two main ways of propagation are tip cuttings and whole leaf cuttings. Take an entire leaf and lay it flat on some propagating media and it will form a tiny plant at the leaves apex. This will take a while. We will do a dozen or so leaves at one time to insure that a few will takes
Native SiteThe non-variegated plant is native to an area near the town of Ladismith, South Africa.
Author's NotesI have grown this plant many times and found it easy to grow. Grow on the dry side and full sun for best results.
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