Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Picea abies

Common Name: Norway Spruce

DescriptionNorway Spruce (Picea abies) is a  large conical Spruce tree. The branches on older trees tend to weep.
Plant TypeTrees Coniferous
Hardiness Zone3
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage, moist well drained
Fruit4-6 inch long cones with wedge-shaped ragged scales, scales over lap (imbricate)
Leavesmostly diamond shaped green needles, sharp pointed, 1/2-1 inch long, each needle is borne on a raised woody peg called a sterigma, spirally arranged around stem
Stemsold stems have grayish brown or dark purple bark
Dimensionsconical form, can read over 100 feet in native sites, 40-60 feet in landscapes, strongly pyramidal, primary branches are slightly upturned but secondary branches become pendulous as the tree matures
Misc FactsThe roots are shallow rooted on poorly drained soils and subject to wind fall. Where I grew up, it was common to see wind blown down trees, laying flat on the ground with a large patch of roots and soil turned 45 degrees at the base.
Author's NotesThe primary branches are slightly upturned but secondary branches become pendulous as the tree matures. I find this an easy way to recognize this tree. This a very distinct form.
Notes & Reference#184-Michigan Trees (Burton V. Barnes, Warren H. Wagner), #181-Native Trees for North American Landscapes (Guy Sternberg), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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