Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Geranium pratense Victor Reiter Jr

Common Name: Geranium Victor Reiter Jr

DescriptionA hardy Geranium with foliage changing from purple to purple flushed green.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightfull to part sun
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage to moist
Flowersblue-purple flowers
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill (geranium in Greek means crane)
LeavesEmerges with purple stems and leaves that fade to a purple flushed green. Has deeply dissected leaves
Dimensionscan reach over 2 feet
Native SiteThe species plant G. pratense is native to Central Asia, Northwest Himalayas, and Central and Western Europe.
Notes & Reference#161-Paghat's Gardens (
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