Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Dolichos lablab

Common Name: Hyacinth Bean, Egyptian Bean, Stink Bean

DescriptionA plant used as a food source in many parts of the world but also grown as an ornamental. The bright purple bean pods are the best ornamental feature. A tender perennial grown as an annual.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone10b-11
Sunlightfull sun
Moistureaverage, draught tolerant when established
Soil & Siteaverage, tolerant
Growing Mediaaverage patio
Temperaturefrost sensitive
Flowerspea-like, purple, found on loose clusters on long stems extending above the foliage. There are short day and long day cultivars available. A short lived perennial in warmer regions.
Fruitflat bean pods are a bright purple, seeds are dark brown, 4-6 per pod with white helium, giving off a strong bean odor when cooked
Leavestriangular to broad ovate, purple green leaves.
Stemstwinning stem
DimensionsIn warmer regions up to 30 feet. As an ornamental annual around 10.
Maintenanceneeds support
Propagationseeds, best started in a rootable container
Native SiteAsia, Africa
Misc FactsAlmost all parts of the plant are edible. The dried seeds are toxic and should be well cooked in two changes of water. The young leaves along with the flowers can be eaten in salad; the older leaves can be cooked. The tuber should be boiled. (syn. Lablab purpureus)
Notes & Reference#62-Manual of Climbers and Wall Plants (J K Burras, Mark Griffiths), #27-Rodale's Annual Gardens (Paul Loewer)
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