Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Pennisetum glacum Purple Majesty

Common Name: Purple Majesty Pennisetum

DescriptionA 2003 All American Selection of Purple Millet. The dark purple foliage and flowers make this a stunning plant.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone9
SunlightBest color is in full sun.
MoistureTolerates dryness but prefers average moisture.
Soil & Siteaverage to well drained
Growing Mediaaverage patio to well drained
Temperatureprefers warmth
FlowersSeed heads are: narrow, bristly, dark purple and take on a yellow coloration from the anthers. Make nice dried flowers.
Leaveslong, narrow, dark purple with a dark midrib, foliage color starts as dark green and changes to dark red,
StemsPlant has a few main larger stalks along with secondary stalks all coming from a clump.
DimensionsReaches 4-5 feet tall by 2-3 feet in spread.
Propagationseeds, division
Cultivar OriginThis hybrid purple millet was developed by David Andrews and John Rajewski of the University of Nebraska. For many years it was a genetic oddity at the university until spotted by Harlan Hamernik of Bluebird Nursery, Clarkston, Nebraska USA. He suggested it be entered into the All American Selection process in 1998. It won a gold medal in 2003.
Author's NotesHave used this grass in many times in containers and gardens. In full sun the foliage is almost black.
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