Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Bowiea volubilis

Common Name: Sea onion, Climbing onion, Zulo potato

DescriptionA weird but lovable highly succulent plant. The stem is a bulb from which a long twinning flowering stalk grows.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Succulents
Hardiness Zone11-12
SunlightBright to direct but in hot climates it needs protection from the direct sun.
MoistureWhen the plant is producing the long flower stalk keep it evenly moist to slightly dry. When it goes dormant keep it dry.
Growing Mediawell drained
Temperaturenever below 50 degrees F
FlowersThe flowers are found on a long, rapidly growing annual climbing inflorescence. The inflorescence branches (paniculate) and forms small (less than ½”) greenish flowers. The plant readily produces seed.
LeavesThe stem is a light green, spherical, perennial bulb and grows best above the soil surface. The bulb can reach 10 inches (25 cm), the stem can reach 8 feet (2.5 m).
DimensionsBulb up to 20 cm, the stem and flower stalks over 8 feet.
MaintenanceThe flower stalk becomes very long and will need a supporting structure.
Propagationseeds, detaching offsets
Native SiteNative to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania
Misc Facts(syn Bowiea kilimandscharica, Bowiea nana, Schizobasopsis volubilis)
Author's NotesWe grew this all the time in the greenhouse.
Notes & Reference#05-Lexicon of Succulent Plants (Hermann Jacobsen),
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