Family: Amaranthaceae

Scientific Name: Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight

Common Name: Purple Knight

DescriptionA vigorus upright, spreading purple leaf foliage plant.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightdarkest foliage color in full sun but will grow in partial sun
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage to well drained
Temperatureheat tolerant
FlowersHas never formed flowers during the outdoor growing season for me. When brought into a greenhouse it formed masses of small white globular flowers less than 1/2".
Leavesleaves are dark purple on top and purple to light purple below
DimensionsReaches 16-20" tall by a spread of 2-3'. A vigorus grower forming an upright spreading plant.
Maintenanceoccasional pinching to control height and spread.
Propagationcuttings, seeds
Native SiteSpecies plant native to West Indies.
Author's NotesI have found this to be a tough easy to grow plant and the color combines easily with other plants.
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